We are the largest student-run advertising agency in the nation. By recruiting students with a variety of disciplines, backgrounds and skill sets, TNH is able to create one of the most successful student advertising agencies in the world. Leaders are handpicked and changed every year to create a constant flow of fresh ideas.

Kaelyn Harris-vincent


I was born in Boston but moved to VT when I was young (I tell people I’m from Boston because nothing ever happens in VT). I arrived at Syracuse my sophomore year not knowing you could major in advertising...now I’m two semesters in and I can’t see myself doing anything else. When I can get a break from the agency and school, I watch The Office religiously and hit up the links for a quick 9 holes.

2 truths + 1 lie :

I drove to Scranton, PA just to drink at Poor Richards Pub from The Office

I’ve helped to deliver 8 babies...both human and goat

I’ve never seen a celebrity in the flesh. Unless you count Flo from Progressive as a celebrity

(Send me an email and I’ll tell you which one’s false)


Kevin O'donnell

Vice President

Raised in the kind Midwestern land of Central Wisconsin.  I love any ads that can bring out a strong emotional response in someone, whether that be laughing out loud or breaking down in tears (looking at you P&G’s Thank you Mom).  Besides advertising, you can always find me with a headphone in my ear catching up on the newest music, or singing in my a cappella group.

2 truths + 1 lie :

I once took Yara Shahidi on a date because I Instagram DM’ed her my qualifications for being a good boyfriend

Every year in December, I wear a Buddy the Elf costume for the day

I have taken a shower in orange juice

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Kayln Des Jardines


I like to boast I have the power of small talk. Listening to others from a non-ethnocentric point of view is the greatest joy I've discovered in life. The media industry allows me to practice this skill and run with it - connecting to people and solving business problems!

2 truths + 1 lie:

I've memorized 30+ numbers of Pi

I've eaten Ostrich once

I adore scary movies

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Michela Mastellone


I’m originally from Cleveland, Ohio and love talking about everything excepts the Browns. My passion is my minor, Cultural Anthropology and I believe discovering cultural truths is a privilege. When I’m not meeting new people, I’m watching movies that make me think.

2 truths + 1 lie:

I chose my minor after I read an intro to Anthropology textbook cover to cover

I own more than 50 orange pieces of clothing

I wore my Heely’s shoes everyday in 6th grade

Andy Mendes

Executive Creative director

I’m from Pittsburgh, PA, the City of Bridges. There’s nothing I love more than a nice snappy, juicy headline in an ad. When I’m not cracking up over whatever tweet is blowing up my timeline, I’m working on breaking my Lifetime Movie record. My best right now is three in a row.

2 truths + 1 lie : 

I’ve met Food Network icon Guy Fieri

I spend my summers downhill skiing in Aspen

I’ve applied to (and been rejected from) Survivor three times


Dan Frissora

Chief Financial Officer

Repping Dirty Jerz. I’m a fan of creative, as well as production. Despite being an ad major I still oddly find myself skipping ads as often as possible… so I’m a fan of ads that are interesting, whether they are funny or just original. When I’m not sitting on a throne counting the money we collected from dues, I like to have a bro sesh with the boys and ball with the squad.

2 truths + 1 lie : 

I fell off a boat in Mexico

I have over 4,000 followers on Soundcloud

I was once the youngest human alive

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Serena Maldonada

New member director

Growing up in northern New Jersey I was always just a 20 minute bus ride away from one of the most prolific cities for advertising, New York City. I’ve always been surrounded with creativity, and seeing people in the industry create ads that make you think in a different way have always been my favorite. When I’m not gandering at a beautifully done ad you’ll probably find me tinkering with some new art project that I’ll try to finish in between my Netflix binges.

2 truths + 1 lie : 

I have cried while talking about my love for Otto the Orange.

A bronze medal Olympian gave me their training shoes.

My middle name is actually Serena and I choose to use it as my first name.


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Connor Layden


Born and raised in Manhattan Beach, CA, but now live in the far more desirable tundra of Syracuse, NY. I’m an ad major with an AdBlocker in an attempt to avoid being re-marketed with all the products I add to my cart, but never buy. Let’s call it self-control.

2 truths + 1 lie : 

One of my goals is to visit all 30 MLB ballparks; I’m almost halfway there

I’m allergic to caffeine - staying awake is a daily challenge for me.

Despite being from Southern California, I have never even attempted to surf.


Former TNH Presidents

How we got here